Annual Newsletter 2007
Dear Friends,
Rudy and Bill amble in from the season’s first swim in the quarry the warmest day of the summer. A handful of wild black raspberries signify that the harvest has begun.
Lengthening shadows softens the day’s dust and a quieting that calms the anxiety of tasks undone. To share the day, even for ten minutes, helping me in the garden (that has compacted from the look of rain) becomes a joy. Yet to look and listen intently with total attention is rare during this time of year. The day’s worries diminish for a brief time.
The joyous side of the equation here is defined by family and dog. A good family is one that gels together. Adrianne and Ben continue to be our greatest glory. Despite the distance that separates us, they don’t creep into our consciousness, they leap into it. Minneapolis and Austin are mere interludes that dilute nothing. Rudy has become the constant link: that binds us. If we attempt to humanize him it is because he gives us what we want, perhaps it is companionship. Paybacks need not be measured with him.
The uncertainty of spring is past, but gives way to the urgency of summer. The Easter weekend cold diminished the peach and apple crops, but there is still enough to be grateful for. Nature unfolds at it’s own pace. The evening twinkles with fireflies to the north and a blue heron swoops from the quarry, while we wait for a good rain. Bill’s dad often said, “you must speculate to propagate.” Risk is always one of the variables.
Why is it that each day seems to catch us by surprise like the unexpected coolness of the new morning? Success and tranquilif;y require a lifetime. Once a neighbor fimnerwas asked why he keeps on woddng the soil when retirement age has passed him by his reply,”I keep on because I want to do it right.”
This fall we will celebrate our first wine grape harvest that will intensify our offerings. There is good cause for joy in that winemaker. Mac and his first love. Amy will celebrate the arrival of a new daughter in September. HERE’S WHAT IS COMJNG THIS YEAR:
July 10 -15 First peaches
July 25-Sept. 5 Nectarines
August 8-12 Red Haven begin (freestone)
August 10 First white peaches
August25-Sept.10 Plums
August 25 Pears begin
Sept. 5-10 Gala & Honeycrisp apples
Sept. 10 -17 Last of peaches/First cider
Sept. 12-15 Fall apples I pick your own
Oct.5 -31 Pick your own pumpkins
Oct. 15-20 Cameo, Fuji, Goldrush apples
We hope to see you soon!
The Gammie Family