Archives by Month: September 2024

Anticipation | Bill’s 2024 Annual Newsletter

“Tucker and Ben plucked the first peach today, June 21.  They emerged from the repressive heat in the afternoon.  Not my favorite, but they carried the smell of the season.  (Each season has it’s own aroma with the spring being my favorite.  Father and Uncle would have turned soil in anticipation of seeing and transplanting.  It was a rich smell that still lingers.)

Anticipation, the great elixir.  Be it positive.  We whisper it.  We shout it from the top of a peach tree.  It can be the strongest of urges for it is filled with hope & change.

In a world reeling from a particular craziness, what do you & I forsee? 

The eclipse.  Why such anticipation generated so much excitement was almost magical.  After a small gathering at the Winery, the crowd roared at the moment of totality.  For a brief moment, we were all united with the mythical enchantment.  Did it change anything?  Perhaps, not a lick, though an instant we all had great hope & happiness.

My Father once said that people don’t change.  He was speaking with a broad scope and I believe he would qualify it now. 

If he could see how his grandchildren and great grandchildren have emerged he would be filled with joy.  Every one of them knows the extra effort pays dividends.  Even the youngest can pick up a hoe and make it move without being told to do so.  (Bbut we must convince them that success only thru hard work is a myth). 

We often speculate about how our past relationships tie us to the present.  I am miffed by what my father would think about today’s direction.  In a world drilled with that numbing uncertainty, how would he feel about the changes we have come to accept, yet challenge endlessly. 

He was an active citizen and a Roosevelt Democrat.  That was far back when political thought was not so deeply polarizing.  When government actions sought to lift up lives & not so much bestowing entitlements on both the rich and not so rich.

A friend of Dad told me years after his death that Dad could not see how any clergymen or sound thinking soul could be anything but a Democrat.  Democrats, supposedly had the resources to lift up.  (How that would have rocketed the ire of any elephant that roamed the savannah of the Midwest).  Remember, that was then!  (It was sixty ++ years ago).

In the growing world anticipation is what chases us to another year.  The greening of our new world is full of promise.  There is a change coming.  Bucks emerge.  Flowers bloom.  A cold morning delivers a hard blow (April 25th) that dampens the initial enthusiasm.  But we never accept it without flaunting our strengths.

After all that upbeat anticipation, what road should we take?  Call the crop insurance company.  Resolve to make better decisions.  Share more with the right people.  Our soil is dry.  Does praying for rain deserve a response? 

But above all, don’t pose too many questions that draws uncertainty.  There ain’t no answer!

Sounds like so many commencement messages as of late.  I need to desist.  Farm & family will go forth even with all our constant interruptions.  But we are so much like all of you.  How do we anticipate the changes that will define our kids and keep their feet on the ground?

Payton has led a crew of her friends on a couple farm tasks.  She is impressive.  Henry can snag foul balls out of the dust with dignity and not retreat farm chores.  Beatrice can swim the pool length and dance at a recital.  Arra can dive all the boards in the deep end.  Tucker can build and tear down with glee many “inventions”.  We hope they know they are deeply loved. 

The elderberry and hydrangea bend over with white, purity and potential.  We anticipate sharing a moment with you!”

And the season grows:

Memorial Day – Real Fruit Ice Cream – new this year with our fruit

June 10th – First cherries

June 15th – Red raspberries

July 27th – First peaches (clingstone)

August 10th – First “good” apples (Zestar and Gala)

August 15th – “Premier” Honeycrisp

August 10th – 15th – Red Haven Peaches (freestone) / White Peaches and Nectarines

September 1st – 5th – First cider

September 1st – October 5th – Plums

September 1st – November – Pears (Asian pear September 20th)

September 15th – 20th – Last Peaches

September 5th – 10th – Late Honeycrisp & Crimson Crisp

September 15th – October 31st – Pumpkins

October 5th – Evercrisp

October 20th – Pink Lady, Goldrush, & Fuji