Annual Newsletter 1992
Someone once said that people who are sensible about love are incapable of it. While this aspect of the human spirit may be subject of great debate, the soundness of finding glory in each season of the year is not. As fruit growers, the unraveling and emergence of nature’s wonder, holds such intrigue that we find glory in each change.
The drama of bare, gnarled branches giving way to a greening and flowering and then harvest’s ultimate attack on our senses is an essential part of savoring a life style that is not reserved for weekends or extended escapes.
We are enticed by change, be it natural, spiritual or emotional. That is our great hope.
Despite all this, our greatest love must develop within our family. The security of predictability is threatened as our family grows and develops. The emerging awareness that our own, Ben (13 yrs.) and Adrianne (10 yrs.) are not going to be children much longer generates that peculiar melancholy all moms and dads must endure. We must learn to share more.
As we put our thoughts to paper, a gentle rain has moved in. Despite only fleeting moments of it this summer, we look for a good fruit crop. Avoiding severe winter cold, spring frosts and a more normal seasonal development has helped create a positive outlook. However, maturity of crops will be at least two weeks later than the past few years.
Look forward to seeing you!
The Gammies